First off...I must apologize for not posting lately. There have been a million funny things that have happened, and I am a major slacker. I'll do a follow up post in a minute to cover all those bases, but for now, I have to tell you about tonight. Dave is away in NY for meetings so I decided that it would be fun to pick Taylor up from school, go to stop & shop, let them pick out dinner and ice cream and have a fun girls night! It all started so well......Taylor was just being the SWEETEST thing all night. She kept coming up to me and rubbing my back and telling me I was a nice mommy. She was an angel to her little sister.....perfection. Anyway, we get home with mini raviolis in hand and EDY's ice cream and best of all, drinkable yogurt (ick - but she has a new favorite). I make dinner while Taylor watches Mickey Mouse on the computer....all is good.
Dinner is ready and both girls decide they hate mini ravioli :-( Taylor choked down a few bites so she could have ice cream but Erin pretty much threw it at me in protest. She had yogurt and pretzels for dinner (and yes, ice cream for dessert). After dinner, I decided I really wanted to take a hot bath because my back was aching a bit. I told the girls that they could play in Mommy and Daddy's room because I needed to take a bath. They bolted upstairs (seemed too easy - enjoy a bath? yeah right!). Taylor immediately announced she was going to play in the bath "just on the side mommy" and Erin kept yelling "uppy" to me. Fast forward 5 minutes, my bath is just about ready (I am still being yelled at by a more pissed off Erin) and I hear Taylor start freaking out because she peed on the floor (she likes her big girl underwear after school). Keeping an eye on the water level and the now interested in the bath Erin, i go over to Taylor to help her get out of her wet pants. "Oh darn" she tells me "had an accident". get her cleaned up and changed, grab Erin away from the now full tub once more, get in.......ahhhhh. hot bath. Was is relaxing? NOPE!! Taylor found some empty plastic bottles and proceeded to SOAK the bathroom floor and Erin continued to try to climb IN the tub the whole time screaming "UPPY!!!!" The last straw was when Taylor spilled a huge container of water on the bathroom floor and said (without skipping a beat mind you) "oh shit! what a mess". I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing and decided we were D-O-N-E!!!
All dried off, water puddles cleaned and I start getting them ready for bed. Taylor is running around buck nekkid showing me her hiney and saying "look at my butt butt" while Erin blindly chases her laughing. They were overtired and nuts!! The last straw was when I hear poor little Erin screaming and I burst into the hallway to find Taylor running away from the scene of the crime and Erin holding her thumb. Not sure what happened, but I was able to piece together that Erin somehow pinched her finger in the closet door. That combined with being tired at this point led to a major meltdown. Poor kid. Bedtime for her! But just to back up for a second, trying to get the story out of a 3 year old was a joke. First she told me Erin pinched her so she pinched her back. Then she said she was in her big girl bed reading books and Erin hurt herself, then it was that Erin wasn't listening. My head was spinning from all her tales! In the end, bed for Erin and a movie for Taylor and I.
Taylor decided to watch Snow White, which kills me because it's a horrible movie to watch over and over and over, but she is obsessed with it. It's freaking SCARY!!! Anyone ever seen it after having kids? Holy Moly, talk about causing nightmares, but she loves it. This on top of the fact that she has horrible bedtime issues (aka- afraid to go to bed)....not good. Oh - and just in case anyone is thinking snow white is causing the issues, nope, snow white started ages ago.....bedtimes issues- this week! Anyway, it's almost midnight and she is in her room with the light ON and her barbie computer asleep. We'll see what happens when I go up in a few minutes...might have company tonight!
That was my night!! I'll update more tomorrow, too tired now, but the best news is.....Erin now says MAMA!!!!! Yep, that's right, she saved the best for last ;-)