Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Best Girls Night Ever

Posted by Dave...

Last Friday was a day that Taylor was in school.  Normally she goes Tuesday and Thursday but she was running a temperature on Wednesday so we delayed day 2 that week by a day.  I went to pick her up at about 4:30pm and when I saw her, she was giddy to show me her new braid in her hair.  Apparently they had some hair fun in class that day.

We were havig Pat and Elise over for dinner that night which was a lot of fun for the girls because they found a new best friend in Pat.  He played hide and seek, built castles, played with blocks and suffered through other fun games with them.  By the end of the night, I'm sure Pat went home tired.

As for the girls, we decided to let them have a joint girls night (getting to watch TV in mommy and daddy's bed) as we thought it would keep them entertained for a while and maybe they would both fall asleep at some point.  Boy were we wrong about that.  Actually, we never thought they would fall asleep, that was more of a hope.  It was like a party upstairs!  All we kept hearing downstairs was the thump of the girls jumping out of our bed followed by the pitter patter of little feet and the occasional yelling down to us from the landing at the top of the stairs.  This went on for a while.

When it got fairly late, we decided to put the girls to bed (after they had made their way back downstairs to continue their party).  Erin was getting a little crazy as she has been known to do when she is over tired and Taylor was starting to fall asleep on the couch between Kendel and I.  I took them upstairs and got them ready for bed.  Erin went in her crib and Taylor went back in mommy and daddy's bed to fall asleep with the TV on (typical girls night).  On our way into the room, Taylor turned to me and said, "this was the best girls night ever!!"  It made me laugh inside (didn't want to embarrass her) because I used to remember those type of nights when my parents would have guest over around the holidays.  We got a little more freedom and I always remember those nights fondly because they were so much fun to me at that age.  When Taylor informed me that it was the best night ever, it was like I was instantly taken back in time to one of those nights and can totally relate to her excitment.

Just for the record, her prior favorite girls night was just a couple of weeks ago for Thanksgiving when Jeni, Jay and Mimi stayed over for the night.  That was the "best girls night ever" up to that point and she told me that night as well.  I am starting to wonder if every girls night is her favorite girls night ever and I am not sure what Christmas night is going to be like.  She might not be able to control herself  :-)

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