Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I don't know what it is but I want it

Posted by Dave...

I was getting the girls ready for bed tonight which consists of going potty, putting a diaper on Erin, brushing teeth and reading a story.  Usually, because we do the same routine every night, it is often uneventful but then again, nothing is routine because life with a 2 year old and 4 year old is alway full of surprises. 

Both Erin and Taylor had forgotten various purses, stuffed animals and whatever else downstairs so I sent Taylor down to gather up all the stuff while I got Erin into her diaper.  We had run out of Erin's normal diapers the night before so we decided to put her in pull-ups that we had left over from when Taylor was transitioning to a diaper free life.  As a side note, this is the only diaper that Erin wears during the day now and most mornings she wakes up with a dry diaper so she is close to a diaper free life which is about a year ahead of her sister.  It is amazing how quickly a 2nd child picks things up from watching her older sister.  I am hoping it will be even faster for baby #3 and have set a goal of 6 months to be out of diapers for her :-)

Anyway, back to the story.  Erin was confused by the new diapers and said "those are Taywahs".  I responded that "they are not as she doesn't need them anymore and look how cool they are as they have Cinderella on them."  I was trying to make sure Erin would not throw a fit and not want to wear a diaper to bed as I pictured myself having to change the sheets in the morning and crib sheets are the worst to change.  Erin was very excited about the new big girl pull up diaper and showed Kendel as soon as she came upstairs to say goodnight.  Before that happened though, Taylor came back upstairs with a couple of things from downstairs but nothing she went downstairs to get.  At one point I would have asked why she didn't get the other stuff but after 4 years of being a parent, I just go with the flow now and just smiled as she walked by me to her room. 

And then I heard something that makes this night not so routine.  When Taylor came out of her room after putting the stuff she brought upstairs away, she came out with one of her greatest pearls of wisdom I have heard in a while..."I don't know what you took from my room and gave to Erin, but I want it"

Classic!  Taylor clearly heard part of my discussion with Erin as she made her way back upstairs but had no idea what we were discussing.  What was even better is that Taylor said it in a very calm and matter of fact type of voice and not a "GIVE IT BACK NOW" voice which we have heard from time to time.

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